Monday, March 19, 2012

Summer Part One: San Juan Batangas

[Disclaimer: I blogged about this 2 hours ago and then my google chrome decided not to publish it. GDI]

I apologize for not blogging frequently as I promised my self I should. It really is something to dedicate 2-3 hours for a blog post, mostly because my grammar kind of suck and I have a limited vocabulary so I tend to think 4-5 minutes for the correct term. LOL. Anyway, before anything else, allow me to say that-

My Accenture contract has expired last week! I am not quite sure how to deal with this fact- I kind of want but at the same time I don't. Well, everything went by quicker than I could say Holy Guacamole. So now I move on and do something during my down time (?)

Moving on to the post, this is the first of a 4-part series so hold on to your panties ladies!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Wow, Fantastic Baby

Big Bang is back! The Kings are back!

I would love to do a music album review but Gandang Gabi Vice is on so maybe some other time. For now let me post my favorite song in the album. The chorus basically describes me because this whole stress thing just moved on to another higher level and I just want to let loose and dance.

And hey, I really can't wait for their comeback stage next week cause of this video below. Oh sweet geeezas Tabi, I love you: