[Disclaimer: I blogged about this 2 hours ago and then my google chrome decided not to publish it. GDI]
I apologize for not blogging frequently as I promised my self I should. It really is something to dedicate 2-3 hours for a blog post, mostly because my grammar kind of suck and I have a limited vocabulary so I tend to think 4-5 minutes for the correct term. LOL. Anyway, before anything else, allow me to say that-
My Accenture contract has expired last week! I am not quite sure how to deal with this fact- I kind of want but at the same time I don't. Well, everything went by quicker than I could say Holy Guacamole. So now I move on and do something during my down time (?)
Moving on to the post, this is the first of a 4-part series so hold on to your panties ladies!