Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Around this time last year, I was convincing myself to get a pixie cut. It took the first quarter of 2011 for me to screw whatever my conscience told me and I finally did it around April. With that hair, it honestly felt like I can do anything- nothing can ruin my plans for that year! (well, I was wrong 'cause everything went the other way...)

So anyway, I don't know what's up with the first quarter of the year that I have this hair dilemma again. Now, I'm thinking of coloring my hair purple....or wait a bit longer and let my hair grow so I can get a digital perm. I'm leaning towards the former, because I haven't done a dramatic (lol) hair color before. On the other hand, I haven't experience getting a perm so that'll be interesting as well.

One thing's for sure though, whatever I choose between the two, I'll definitely getting a pixie hair cut when I get bored with colored/permed hair.

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